Sunday, May 14, 2006

It's raining dollars

The treasurer rewarded the hard work of our sort of people in the budget with a cascade of tax breaks that finally go somewhere towards compensating the sacrifices we have all made for the nation. No longer do we have to hunt around for suitable tax dodges minimisation schemes for super payouts (which so often give me and the accountant a headache)

But yet, what the fuck is going on with increasing funding to the ABC? Did no-one notice this obvious typo in the budget documents before they went out. How are we ever going to privatise those pinko Howard-haters if we keep shovelling money down their throat. I guess that's why they got KPMG to run their audit for them.

At least Big Pete didn't go frittering money away on trifles such as health and education - there's still some hope for the boy.

Horace down at the club has been badgering me for weeks to kick up a fuss about some lighting contract he had and lost or some such thing - can't say that I pay that much attention when he gets going, far too much effort keeping the brandy out of range of the flying specs of spittle. Put some piece together which managed to tie it in to the obvious corruption of local government and those hopeless ICAC do-gooders. Bastard better come through with that envelope he promised me and the membership for the wifes idiot cousin.

Had an embarassing turnaround with those miner bludgers when I discovered that the big man (as I'm allowed to call him) actually wants their low-caste music pirating arses to splash around our various organs. Managed to diffuse it by dragging in that speedbump girl - what's her name again? - eh, doesn't matter and spreading about the hallelujahs and praise the lords for their safe returns. Made me feel so dirty having to be nice to the bolshevists but at least I didn't have to say anything about the rescue of the darkies up in the north. Nothing like a 1 ring media circus.

Got a kick in at Tim Flannery for using fuel even though he rants that it contributes to global warming - that'll teach the bastard to fly rather than row. Most of the column was devoted to saying you can't prove it - those boys from the oil lobby really do need to give me some new material, even I'm finding a bit silly now. At least they gave me a Polar Bear researcher to quote - got to love a well resourced organisation.

All in all, a pretty pissweek week for PierceWeek - although at least Beazley has returned to the foreigner hating fold with his attacks on immigrant workers. Actually, his wholesale abandonment of lower Australia was pretty impressive too - maybe we need to McGauren him?


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